Centro de Justicia Restaurativa APAC



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The APAC Method Restorative Justice Center is dedicated to the recovery and social integration of people deprived of liberty, hereinafter called RECUPERANDOS.


of human valorization based on principles and values, as well as criminal justice standards, to offer the person deprived of liberty, conditions to recover; It also seeks, in a broader perspective, the protection of society, the promotion of restorative justice and assistance to victims.

Main goal:

Promote the humanization of prisons, without losing sight of the punitive purpose of the penalty. Its purpose is to prevent recidivism in the crime and to offer alternatives for the sentenced person deprived of liberty to recover and to integrate productively into society. We believe that no one is irretrievable, the philosophy and objective of the APAC Methodology Restorative Justice Program is not to take people deprived of liberty to the streets, it is to demonstrate that, if they are recoverable, based on the discipline, the application of the methodology itself with its principles and values.

In the APAC method program, the recuperating themselves are co-responsible for their recovery and have spiritual, medical, psychological, legal and other technical assistance. Where discipline in APAC is exercised with recoveries and the support of officials, professionals in their respective area, volunteers and the prison police.

APAC is a non-profit organization, so we need a lot of support from the communities and volunteers who want to serve in this program. We even invite you to come and see our program, since for us "Things have meaning and meaning when we know them”.

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